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Ditch that stress to move one step closer to your goals!!!!

Stress and frustration?

STRESS: Stress is the "wear and tear" our body and mind experiences as we adjust to the frustrations of our constantly changing environment. Too frequently, extreme, or prolonged frustration and stress strains us and generates distress signals. Our body experiences distress signals in a variety of ways, often in the form of: irritability, anger, fatigue, anxiety.

Remember, you can not eliminate stress. In spite of all your efforts, things will happen that will give you stress, frustration and anger. Life is filled with stress, and the unpredictable actions of others. You can't change that; but you can change the way you let such events affect you.

Quick tips: If possible find a quiet space. This is not essential but helps

-close your eyes and lightly hold your frontal eminences (found on the 3 or 4 finger width above the eyes)

-focus on the event or problem(see details)

be aware of colours, sounds, shapes, smells,and feelings involved

-make it real

-continue to hold your forehead, breathe and relax. These signs of stress will pass

-now play it as you would like to happen. Fantasy is ok here.

-when your mind starts to wonder you know the event is cleared of immediate stress.

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