Things Nobody Tells You About Kinesiology benefits
Why Kinesiology Is Really Worth to try 1. You will be easier to get along with less pain & muscle tension and stress = a more relaxed YOU...
Wouldn't be wonderful to release some daily stress?
Why don't you try Accupresure therapy..... Acupressure therapy is an ancient healing art that uses the fingers to gradually press healing...
Pinched Nerve can give you Back pain or Neck pain
If you’ve pinched a nerve in your neck or collarbone, you could feel pain in your chest or back. Too much pressure on a nerve can keep it...
How can Kinesiology benefit me?
The benefits of Kinesiology Kinesiology is a non-invasive practice which uses precision muscle feedback and body awareness that can help...
You are the solution!!!!
Free Yourself from Pain; Your Stuck State and Shift Your Focus to Growth and Achievement Are you stuck in some area of your life? In your...
What are the benefits of using Kinesiology to reduce stress?
Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing using muscle testing as a biofeedback to gain information and restore equilibrum We use...
Is that you? Pain and restricted movements
Waking up in pain. Can you move without sore back pain ? Maybe is not just physical pain maybe is emotional pain ?! Often, people who...
Ditch that stress to move one step closer to your goals!!!!
STRESS: Stress is the "wear and tear" our body and mind experiences as we adjust to the frustrations of our constantly changing...